My Mom’s Tips for Hay Fever

Ah, springtime! So beautiful, but for some of us, it’s also the season of… hay fever. Sneezing, itchy eyes, you know the drill. Fortunately, my mom always has a few handy tricks up her sleeve to make springtime much more enjoyable. In this article, I share her best tips for dealing with hay fever. Simple, but oh so effective.

Applying Vaseline

When you go outside, you risk encountering a lot of pollen and pollen dust. Therefore, apply a little Vaseline around your nostrils to block those particles.

Chamomile Tea Bag

If you have itchy or swollen eyes, place a chamomile tea bag on them. Warm the bag first with hot water. Itchy eyes can be very tiring. With a chamomile tea bag, you give your eyes some relief.

Bee Honey

Find a local beekeeper and buy genuine honey from them. Eat a teaspoon of this honey every day. This pure honey can boost your immune system. The bees that produced this honey have flown in the environment where you get your pollen allergy from.

Hanging Laundry

Don’t hang your clean laundry outside as pollen can settle on it. If you wear the freshly washed clothes, they might be filled with pollen, which can then cause you problems.

Vitamin C

It’s important to consume a lot of vitamin C as it helps against sneezing and itchy eyes. So, make sure you eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. For instance, citrus fruits are particularly high in vitamin C!

Hopefully, these tips help you enjoy springtime a bit more. Do you have a golden tip for dealing with hay fever? Share it in the comments below.


Love, Daphne

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