Homemade thyme syrup

Thyme has been used for centuries in all kinds of herbal remedies for winter ailments. It is my mother’s favourite herb. She therefore makes her own thyme syrup every winter. According to her, it is a miracle cure for coughs and sore throats. Thyme fights germs and acts as an anti-inflammatory. As syrup, it helps clear mucus when you cough and reduces respiratory inflammation. My mother says thyme syrup is very easy to make yourself. Therefore, I am happy to share this recipe for her homemade thyme syrup with you.

You will need

  • 100 grams fresh thyme
  • 200 grams cane sugar
  • 600 ml water
  • optional: a table spoon of honey

How to make homemade thyme syrup

Rinse the sprigs of thyme well. Bring the water to the boil in a large pan. Add the sprigs of thyme to the pan and simmer gently for about three quarters of an hour. Strain out the thyme and pour the water into another pan. Bring to the boil again and add the sugar. Let
boil for 15 minutes until syrupy, stirring frequently to prevent burning.
Fill a sterilised jar with the hot syrup. Do not close the jar until the syrup has cooled down completely. If you store the thyme syrup in a cool, dry place, it will keep for a year.

How to use it

Take a spoonful of thyme syrup every morning and evening if you have a sore throat or cough.
Tip: If you don’t like the taste of the thyme syrup, you can mix in a little honey. Honey also soothes the throat, so it won’t hurt.

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